Temporary Worker

Temporary Worker

Do you wish to come and work in Canada? It’s a good thing, because there are labour shortages in certain sectors! But beware, unless you are from a country eligible for International Experience Canada (IEC), you need an approved job offer from a Canadian employer to come to Canada as a worker!

International Experience Canada (IEC)

The International Experience Canada (IEC) offers to youths from some countries the opportunity to travel and work in Canada through 3 programs depending on the country of origin:

  • Working Holiday Permit (no job offer required to apply)
  • Young Professional (job offer is mandatory)
  • International Coop Internship (internship offer is mandatory)
Un homme prend la mesure à l'aide d'un mètre dans une usine
  • Must be a citizen of one of the participating countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan,  Korea(Republic of), Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico,  Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saint Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine and United Kingdom.
  • Must fall within the required aged when depositing your request (generally between the ages of 18 to 30 or 35 years, depending on the country)
  • Must be a holder of a valid passport during your stay in Canada
  • Subscribe to a health/hospitalization/repatriation insurance policy that would be valid during your stay.
  • Have sufficient savings to meet your needs at the beginning of your stay (equivalent of CAD 2,500)

Persons coming from a country not listed among the IEC countries MUST DEAL with a recognized organization.

Step 1- Obtain a job or internship offer (only if you wish to apply for a young professional program or an International Co-op internship

Step 2-Create an online profile

Step 3- Submit your profile online

Step 4- Receive an invitation to present your request

Step 5- Honour the invitation within 10 days and present your request within 20 days accompanied by the required government documents and do your biometric data.

  • Government fees of CAD 153
  • CAD 85 per person for biometrics (fingerprints and photograph valid for 10 years)
  • Medical visit fees if applicable depending on the countries visited more than 6 months (fees vary depending on the country)
  • Miscellaneous charges (translation if applicable, postage, etc.)
  • Our service fees
  • Easy process
  • You can travel and work easily

Work Permits

  • You must have an approved job offer;
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment – LMIA (if applicable)
  • Temporary Resident Visa (if applicable)
  • Proof of financial resources
  • Medical examination (may be required)
  • Any proof that will convince an immigration officer that you will return to your country after the work experience.

Restrictions may apply depending on the sector of employment.  It is also prohibited to work for an employer who is on the list of ineligible employers or for an employer who, regularly, offers nude or erotic dance services, escort services or erotic massages.

Step 1- Obtain a job offer

Step 2- Obtain information about the labour market (if necessary)

Step 3- Obtain an authorization to work in that province (if necessary))

Step 4- Do your biometric data

Step 5- Do a medical examination (if necessary)

Step 6- Obtain your work permit

  • Government fee of CAD 155 for a closed work permit or CAD 100 for an open work permit.
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment fee of CAD 1,000 (if applicable) to be paid by the employer.
  • CAD 85 per person for the biometric fee (fingerprints and photograph valid for 10 years) or CAD 170 for families of two or more persons.
  • Medical examination fees (vary by country)
  • Miscellaneous charges (translation if applicable, postage, etc.)
  • Our service fees
  • Salary and benefits equal to those of Canadians
  • Enrich your C.V. with international work experience
Looking for a job?

Send your application through our partner Work in Shawi